I am typing this in the middle of a break from one of my I-net poker games. I have several lined up for the evening, and will be multi-tasking as usual.
Course, I can only play for chips since online poker is basically banned for $$.
Do I think poker is a game of pure luck or chance vs. skill? HELL NO! Now, I am no expert. This chick has been playing for a few years, mainly sticking with Omaha & NL Hold Em. I have a handful of poker books, subscribe to some sites and have watched a few poker games on TV, incl WSOP.
To me, slot machines are chance. Scratch off tickets are chance. Mega Millions & Powerball winners took a "chance" and got "lucky".
Poker so is much more than that. Just as with football you have your offense, defense and special teams each with their own indiviual plays you can draw from, so it is with poker.
Just because you are dealt pocket aces does not mean you will win that hand. And once you're dealt your cards, how will you play it? Slow? Push all in? Sure, the flop, turn and river definitely play a part in each hand, but it is the skill of the player, that determines the outcome more times than not. The cards are the chance. The poker player is the skill.
There is not skill in picking a winning lottery number. Just some favorite numbers I suppose. But if there is a clear way of picking the numbers, someone PLEASE let me know. I sure could use a few million buckaroos! A scratch off ticket. No skill there. Just luck that you picked the right ticket at the right time to earn some easy moolah.
But a professional poker player's life is probably as compicated as the game itself. Eeking out a living problem solving one better than your other opponents each step of the way makes for an interesting, and tiresome life, I would suppose. Yet, quite satisfying at the end of the day if you can do something you really love.
Which is why I ask why I-net poker cannot be regulated and legalized. It seems VERY HYPOCRITAL to me that states, such as my own advertise gambling such as the Mega Millions, Powerball, Scratch Off Tickets, Keno, and Daily lottery drawings, yet it is illegal to gamble online playing poker. WTF IS THE DIFFERENCE? At least with poker you have a shot at winning, based on your skill, and with far fewer people involved. If they were to legalize & regulate poker, then adult human beings can decide for themselves if they want to participate or not. Just as they have that privilege for drinking alcohol, smoking or having sex before marriage (strike most of those if you're a JW~you have no rights). Plus, do you realize how much money they would gain in taxes? It is estimated in the BILLIONS! Might solve an issue or two me thinks.
Ok. I'm done with my 02. I shall now gamble it away...in chips.